Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 2 of Christmas Break:

I woke up NEEDING grits. Who really needs grits? Anyway I made them and they were OK. I still don't think I am a grits fan, but perhaps this baby is. For the me, I busted out the Publix fruit tray and ate all the strawberries. I hope Mr. R didn't want any!
Did I tell you I bought a whole fruit tray yesterday? I wanted strawberries, pineapple, and melon. I tried to buy them all individually but I did a quick cost analysis and found it would only be a tad more expensive if I just bought the fancy medium sized fruit tray. Fruit tray it was! I think I will be buying these all the time now.

It would always look like a party was going on in the Repub. house and I would get all the fresh fruit my little hear desires. Love!


  1. That is quite the fruit tray too. I don't blame you, sometimes the few extra pennies are worth someone else doing all slicing.

  2. Wow, that's some fruit tray. I actually bought a fruit tray this morning for Caroline's class party tomorrow. I thought about buying individual fruits and cutting them up, but I don't have a platter to put them on and this was just a whole lot easier. My Safeway tray is nowhere near as pretty as your Publix tray. I miss Publix.
