Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Waffle fries

Today was a day.
I don't feel well.
(Not sure if its the baby or if its my students who seem to be passing more cold and flu germs than notes.)
I am exhausted.
(Winter bear in need of hibernation exhausted).
I am hanging on, by my toenails, just three days till break.
(My students have been really awesome though. They are still working hard on labs and taking notes like champs).
I needed to run a few errands after school so I didn't get home until 6.
Dinner was the last thing on my mind.
Really I just want to go to bed.
I am almost there now.
Mr. R suggested waffle fries for dinner.
He totally knows the way to my heart, waffle fries and sweet tea.
He really is the best.
On a more random note, the pilot to Dharma & Greg is on right now. My favorite line is when she introduces Greg to her dog Nunzio and his dog Stinky. "Yes, Stinky is Nunzio's dog. He got Stinky as his bar mitzvah present".

1 comment:

  1. Chik-fil-a waffle fries are the best. I'd pick diet coke to go with mine, but Caroline loves sweet tea.
    Craig and I used to watch Dharma and Greg all the time.
    I hope you feel better soon!
