Friday, June 18, 2010

You will run 4 miles and you will like it!

Sometimes I need to give my body a little tough love.
You see, my brain really wants me to be an athlete. To get into shape and feel good in my clothes and be confident in my body. My body on the other hand wants to sit on the couch, read Real Simple, and eat cupcakes. (I listened to my body two years ago and gained 30 pounds. Not cool!)

Working out, especially running is not easy for me. Its hard, sometimes painful, and almost always tiring. This means I need to give myself a bit of tough love to get out there and actually accomplish what I set out to do.

So today, I ran my 4 miles. I came home covered in sweat. And I am smiling. Because my brain and my body knew I could do it all along :)

1 comment:

  1. I think it's hard, sometimes painful and almost tiring for everyone, despite their level of fitness...that's what I get out of reading Runner's World.
