Sunday, January 24, 2010

10 things that make me happy on a Monday.

The man I married is not a morning person or a Monday person. He would much rather skip Sunday all together because he knows the Monday is right behind it. I however accept the fate that Monday is always coming and I might as well embrace what the day has to offer.

1. Pumpkin spice coffee that can be made in the Keurig. I love all things pumpkin and who doesn't love a cup of coffee that can be made in under 3 minutes.

2. Block days at school. (This translates into 90 minute class periods and no need to rush my lessons)

3. Homemade soup for lunch.

4. A new package of my favorite black pens.
Publish Post

5. Being picked up by my husband in my now clean car with a much needed oil change.

6. Puppy walks by the lake in weather that feels like spring and doesn't require a sweater.

7. Spin class, 600 calories burned.

8. How I Met Your Mother & Big Bang Theory on TV.

9. Spiced Apple Cider to drink.

10. Dinner leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

And of course I love these guys too!


  1. I love, love, love Pumpkin Spice Coffee in my Keurig! Life is sooooo good. :):) How I Met Your Mother is pretty fine, too. Great blog! Nice to meet you.

  2. ...and now I have Julie Andrews running through my head...these are few of my favorite things...

  3. Hi Fit & Fabless,
    Love you blog too. I am totally making the crockpot lasagna you showcased last week. I have a little bit of an obsession with my crockpot so it totally up my alley.
