Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm So Excited...

Saved by the Bell was my fave growing up. My Saturday morning just wasn't complete without a little Zach Morris. And truth be told, I still get a happy feeling when I catch an old episode on daytime TV. Mr. R was also a fan growing up. And for this reason Bayside High enters our conversation at least once a week.

As in... Did you see that guy's dinosaur phone? It makes Zach Morris' look small!
Or... Did you hear that kid's voice change? It was worse than Screech.
Or my all time favorite... "I'm so excited... I'm so excited... I'm just so scared..."

The last one comes from the episode where Jessie Spano took caffeine pills and acted like she was on heroine. Whenever I have a public speaking engagement, (which in truth scares the mess out of me), I run around the house saying that quote... it will eventually make me and Mr. R laugh hysterically and then my nerves settle and I am ready to face the world.

The point of this post is found below.Nathaniel James actually made a time chart of my favorite Jessie Spano freakout episode.
I spotted this in you are my fave.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I have no comment for that chart.

    Are you having a public speaking event?

    I have been meaning to tell you that you have been a blogging fool lately!
