Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21: Welcome to South Jersey

The original home to the Republicans...
Our first stop is Woodstown, NJ where Mr. R was born and raised.

Mr. R's family...
Farm land...
Mr. R's summer job for YEARS!
So cold! (The high is 52 degrees!)
My mecca for coffee. Why or why do we not have Wawa's in Florida?
My favorite Italian Restaurant (in New Jersey)
Mr. R's alma mater... Yes, for 4 years he was a Woodstown Woodie!

You will have to excuse my blogging absence for the next few days. Mr. R and I are on a holiday road trip visiting friends and family in the Northeast.


  1. I remember WaWa when we lived in Maryland. I don't think they have any in NoVa. Or maybe I just haven't paid enough attention to notice.
    Have fun visiting your family and friends this week. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Bahhahahhaaaa. They actually put Woodies on their jerseys.

  3. Thanks Alison! I saw your post today and it looks like you are almost ready. I only wish I could be so organized :)

    Sharon, I know!!!! And no one from his town gets the dirty reference! I want to find Mr. R's old jersey. I think it would be a great addition to his office :)

  4. Mr. R wishes he could have kept his old jersey. It was much better looking than the ugly ones (in the picture) they are wearing now!
    And by the way, we ALL got the "Woodies" joke.
