Wednesday, July 28, 2010

le tired...

Today I came home from work and complained of extreme exhaustion. I collapsed on our beloved chaise lounge and proclaimed Mr. R. should just leave me here to die or sleep like Rip Van Winkle. After I got over myself, I opened my computer to read this blog. Our friend Sherree is participating in the world race and I realized what it really means to be tired, hungry, and blessed.

As I sit here in my air conditioning, enjoying running water, and a full fridge... I have forgotten the life lessons my parents so wanted me to remember.
  • I am very fortunate to have a husband who loves and respects me.
  • I am very blessed to live in a home that I own and can currently afford.
  • I live in the greatest nation in the world where I can express my opinions and choose my religion.
  • I have a job that provides enough money to live on and health benefits.
  • I have clothes and shoes that I can wear.
  • I can buy groceries and feed my family.
  • I have been able to save money this year.
  • I have God in my life and can take comfort that he has plan for me that will being me hope and provide for my future.
So even though I am le tired and way hot and I smell of sweat and brackish water....I am beyond blessed and grateful for my life.

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