Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Less Words on Wednesday

On Wednesdays I want to take a break from my usual wordiness and let the pictures or actions speak for themselves.

This is one part of my cheer wall. My students draw me pictures, write me thank you notes, and design comics or advertisements about what we are learning in science. This wall is write behind my desk and it is the perfect reminder that I am where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be doing.

There are days when I have to defend myself to idiotic parents, fight against ridiculous merit pay Senate 6 bills, and respond to 3,000 emails. On these days I wonder, why am I doing this for so little pay when I could be making a ton more money back in environmental engineering? And then I look at my wall and the faces of my students and I remember than I am on God's plan and this desk, this classroom, these walls, and those faces are exactly what I should be concentrating on right now.

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