Saturday, April 3, 2010

April: The Price of Beauty

Jessica Simpson has a new show on VH1 and I really love it. She travels the globe in search of what is beautiful and she looks at the highs and lows of beauty on her own search for contentment with who she is. I will admit that I am not a huge J. Simp fan, but I love the idea of examining the lengths women will go to feel beautiful and the affects of a society's judgment on how women view themselves.

I have struggled with my own skin since I was seven. I have always wanted to be thinner, taller, have lighter hair, clearer skin, straighter teeth, whiter teeth... the list goes on and on. And with each struggle I have either come to terms with my own body or continued to fight with myself in order to fit within the "norms" of society. My husband thinks I am being ridiculous, but really I can't think that I am the only women who feels this way.

The episode I caught today was J. Simp's trip to Paris. She met with a fashion model, an anorexia survivor, and a few "real women" of varying body types. The overall message was that without confidence in yourself you can easily be swayed into the negatives of beauty. In this case, a model who weighs 39 kilograms. The term used in France is "la joie de vivre" having the joy of life.

I know it can be hard to find joy in myself on days where my muffin top is showing, my pants feel tight, or my arms look like sausages... but I need to take pride in my life, my accomplishments, and my reflection.

My goal this month, April, is to capture my joie de vivre. You may not see my joy on a daily basis, but I will try to include it in a post at least twice a week. Part of capturing my joy will be learning to feel joyful with who I am and what I look like. And fortunately or unfortunately, for you, you will be along for the ride.

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