Friday, September 25, 2009

Skinny Day

I am all to familiar with fat days. On these particular days I stand in my closet, in my birthday suit, and curse my clothes, my thighs, and my poochy belly. Over the past two years, I have had my fair share of fat days.

Today, though, I had my first skinny day in a long time! I woke up this morning and my jeans slid over my hips and fit perfectly. No muffin top in sight! My shirt slid on and draped properly. I ate just enough to feel full during lunch today. And while Danielle's cheese fries called my name, I soldiered on and felt content with my quiche and crasin combo.

I celebrated my skinny day with race packet pick up and sushi with Mr. R. Okay, if we are going to be honest here, I should also tell you I also had 3 oreos.

Tomorrow we, Mr. R, Danielle, and I, run a 5k. I haven't run all week so I am not expecting a stellar 5k time. It will be fun to run an actual race again instead of just me and the Garmin. Wish me luck!

BTW: I spent a couple of hours searching blogs for veggie dinner options for the coming weeks and I am pleased to say I found several dinners that satisfy my husband's meaty needs and still meet my dietary requirements. I'll post my new menu tomorrow.

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