Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Philippians 4:6-7

I read a lot of blogs on various spectrum from running, to decorating, to fashion, and some that can only be categorized as girlie nonsense. What I love about blogging is learning about the struggles and triumphs of others. I recently found a blog titled Kelly's Korner where the author documents her struggle with infertility and then the miraculous conception and healthy arrival of her baby girl. Her posts about prayer request and thanksgiving take me back to what is really important in life. It's not what's in my bank account or what size clothes I am wearing, or where I am going or not going on vacation... its about changes in our lives for the good and bad and how we work through them.

If you have been following my blog for the last few months you may have noticed that we at casa republican have been working out a few marriage, family, job, and health issues. No issue is life threatening or deadly. Our marriage just has a few kinks and the family status will come in time, I am sure. The job situation is stable for now. But... all of that being said I am still anxious and at times worried.

I am worried that I will not finish this marathon, that after this year my job won't be safe, that Mr. R and I will never start a family because something new will pop up that seems more pressing at the time. I worry that I may never lose this weight and that Mr. R and I will never be that couple who is just able to "be" in their marriage instead of working so hard at our marriage.

I promise there is a point to all of this background info.

My daily devotions took me to Philippians 4:6 & & today. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus".

So often I try to take care of everything myself. I want to be the one that fixes the problem. In the world's eyes I am a strong and independent person, but in the eyes of God I am a sheep in need of a shepherd who is able to meet my needs if I only ask. Man, is that a humbling and yet wonderful thought.

As I close this post, I will leave you with the words of Mary Southerland, "No matter what lies ahead, God is faithful. No matter how hot the fiery trial may be, God will deliver us. No matter what man says or does, God loves and accepts us. So praise God! Thank him today for every victory tomorrow holds! "

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