Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rainy Saturday

The rain is beating down on our little roof right now. And I have plans to stay right here on our comfy couch. Pip is softly snoring and the original 1960's Italian Job in playing on our TV. Dinner will be eaten on TV trays and it's comfort food at it's best. Slow cooker sausage, sauteed peppers and onions, and sweet tea. A few months ago I would have lamented that the rain was canceling my fabulous plans or hindering my ability to run a million errands, but now I am content to stay put and enjoy my little family.
"When the whole world fits inside of your arms, do you really need to pay attention to the alarm? Wake up slow. Take it slow" 
- Jack Johnson


  1. I love rainy days...well, at least rainy afternoons. I know I didn't feel this way my entire now I think it's due to living in the "sunshine state." We can feel blessed by a little rain and use it as an excuse to not feel bad about staying indoors.

  2. I adore rainy days. Your day sounds just perfect to me!
