Saturday, October 10, 2009

What happened this week?

I was a terrible blogger this week. I was also a not so great person. It was a rather selfish week for me at Casa Republican and I was all about feeling sorry for myself. I wasn't excited about cooking dinners. I didn't want to clean. My laundry pile has reached epic heights. I don't know how Mr. R put up with me.

I don't have many photos to show you this week, actually for this post I don't have any. But for those of you who care enough to keep reading... my week in words.

Tuesday: Block day. Finished teaching the scientific method to the children. We culminated the unit by completing my favorite lab, See Jane Date. They actually have to use the scientific method to find a date for my friend Jane. This results in crazy matches and lots of laughs. I had a mondo headache all day and ended up eating leftovers and heading to bed early.

Wednesday: In class review day, fruit for all three meals, 5 mile run with Mr. R, Mad Men watched on On Demand.

Thursday: Test! I graded all day long. My "in box" is now empty. Go Me!!! Shopping with Kristin & Danielle for marathon necessities. I got a really cool running belt to keep my hydrated on my long runs. I have decided I need cute running clothes like Kristin. I also need her body shape too. (More on that later).

Friday: On to the weekend!!! Afternoon snack with Mr. R, Reality TV watching, dinner that I did not make, late night kisses, falling asleep while quoting Brian Regan, Mr. R softly snoring next to me. Reminded that I have a very awesome life and should be eternally grateful.

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