Friday, July 10, 2009

Mr. R Speaks: Movies

I love movies. I love movies that make me laugh, I love movies that make me think, and I love movies with lots of explosions and crappy dialogue. H does not like the same movies as me. In fact, I don't think she likes any of the same movies.

I preface this because there are some movies that I could watch anytime they are on TV, and I happened to come across one of them this evening as I was looking for something not on the Style channel, Food Network, or TLC (didn't the "L" used to stand for "Learning?" What the hell happened there?).

For me, "Ghostbusters" is one of those movies I could watch any time. Hell, I could watch it back to back and never get tired of it. The cast is fantastic, the dialogue is clever, and the special effects have held up remarkably well for a movie that was made in 1984.

Of course, H does not feel this way about "Ghostbusters." After nixing my viewing choice I asked her if there were any movies she liked so much that she could watch them at any time. A simple "no" was her answer. How on earth did I end up tied to a person who places so little value in entertainment? Who doesn't love to take a break from all that is stressing them out, turn off their brain for 2 hours and laugh a little?

Help me out here folks! She hates my movies so much that I usually end up owing her two chick flicks for every one movie that I like. The tyranny must end! I'll go crazy if I have to sit through one more romantic comedy where the big-city ice queen b-tch finds herself in a small town butting heads with with a ruggedly handsome, yet sarcastic yokel who is secretely rich and engaged to a gold-digger before realizing in the last 10 minutes that they're soul mates.

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