Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I don't know how she does it.

I was invited to see the movie Saturday, but life got in the way and I sadly missed movie day and Olive Garden breadsticks. I seriously LIVE for those breadsticks and I haven't had them in three years. I was one sad girl Saturday.

As much as I wish I had seen the movie and had some girl time. The truth is my Saturday and my weekend were lovely. Dinners were made, TV was watched, walks were taken, the house was spotless for a good 30 minutes, and laundry was washed AND folded. I was feeling pretty smug. 
And then Monday rolled around. My baby is teething and drooling and screaming and not sleeping. Dinner was reheated and ended up a tad burnt. Laundry was done, but the garage door stayed open all night. Papers were not graded. Emails and voicemails were not returned. I went to bed exhausted only to be woken up 3 hours later for cuddles and feeding and lullabies.
Today I had my clothes all laid out and my lunch was packed. I woke up on time and was ready to leave for work 15 minutes early. But the baby spit up and my shirt was covered. And then she cried for me not to leave. I left my lunch in the fridge.
The babysitter had to leave early and I arrived home late.
I look at families with two and three children with mothers who work and still make dinner and do laundry and look put together and have time to workout. I am amazed.
 I say to myself, I don't know how she does it.
And then I remember that we are all in the same boat. We all have weekends or days when we are on top. And then we have a case of the Mondays or Tuesdays or Wednesdays that being up back to reality. Being a Mom and a wife is hard.
But it's also pretty darn awesome.
And even though sometimes I am covered in spit-up, without lunch, eating burnt dinner, down to my last clean shirt... someone out there might be saying "I don't know how she does it" about me. 


  1. I love your honesty and reality. Those "other" moms that have it all put together, you're right, it's not 100%. We only want to report the good, but need to remember that everybody has their personal struggles in life.

  2. I'm in awe of anyone who has it together, but when I start to get envious of that person (who ever she is) I try to remember that even though *I* think she has it all together, in the inside, she probably thinks she's losing her mind. Honestly, I think all moms, working or stay at home, are frazzled and function solely in survival mode. :)
