Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Having a Pip of a Day!

I don't think I will ever tire of making up nicknames for Piper. Plus those nicknames work as great titles for blog posts. 

I have to be honest and tell you I am exhausted. Piper has her days and nights confused and for that reason Mr. R. and I spend most nights stumbling around Casa Republican trying to get a fussy baby to actually SLEEP in her bassinet. I know this too will pass and one day I will miss the 2AM feeding/walking/dance party... that is the Piper show. But as of right now it is totally messing with my concentration and ability to think clearly.
  Don't be fooled by her cuteness. She is a firecracker. 
Also, I need to include a big THANK YOU to Rene and Kristin who brought us dinner these past two nights. We are eating so well its ridiculous. I might need to start wearing maternity pants again!

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